The South African Dental Journal (SADJ)

Author Instructions & Manuscripts

Please register and submit manuscripts and then track them on the ASSAF platform.


The South African Dental Journal (SADJ) keeps you abreast of the latest developments in dentistry. The only fully accredited scientific dental journal in South Africa for publication of Scientific papers, Clinical articles, Current dento-political information and opinion and Trade information.

Members are also able to attain their CPD points by completing the online questionnaires. CEUs for successfully passed MCQs are allocated as follows: 3 Clinical and 1 Ethical CEU is awarded according to the MCQ which is completed.

The SADJ is published 10 times per annum between the months of February and November, and is available electronically. Hard copies are available at a single copy purchase price of R120.00 (VAT exclusive) with a courier fee of an additional R120.

You must have the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader properly installed on your computer in order to view documents in PDF format. If you do not have this software, download a free copy. Please follow the manufacturer's instructions for installing and using this software. If you require technical assistance, please visit:

How to Answer SADJ MCQs (Multi-Choice Questionnaires)

All SADJ online CPD Questionnaires are valid for a two-year period from the date of online publication. If you are not able to load the questionnaire to your courses it may be as a result of expiry.

SADA has applied common practice ruling when seeking online information, when hovering over the graphic of the publication you wish to complete an MCQ for, you will see various options. 
• Users can either read the publication online.
• Users can download a PDF file to a computer or mobile. 
• Links are displayed to complete either the Clinical or Ethical MCQ online for the issue that is being hovered over.
  Click on the link, complete your details as requested on the screen (these are required for your Certificate to be issued) and submit your

SADA Members answer MCQs on FlexQuiz as a free membership benefit. On a monthly basis at the end of each month all completed MCQs for the preceeding month are extracted and for those who have earned CEUs SADA submits information to the HPCSA.

Non-SADA Members
Non-SADA members who wish to complete a MCQ may request that SADA supply a quotation for completion and acceptance. When the quotation has been paid the valid MCQ  information will be supplied to the HPCSA. The following payment for the MCQ applies:
• 1 Clinical CEU: R160
• 1 Ethical CEU: R190

Non SADA Members wishing to avail themselves of this facility should email their request to and include their Professional number as well as the MCQ which they are referring to.